
Soo...... This is SLC and we just wanted you to know that we write about our opinions, every now and then we'll feature some concrete facts, but this is how we see, feel, and write.

- SLC Family

Please entertain us with disagreements as well as agreements. I love you all.

Thanks Jiinx for our new banner, I Love it!


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

So Tierd

So I'm very excited because I, Domioku, will be able to give you a wonderful view of Iron Man 3, through my eyes, next week. After seeing a sneak-ity peak peak. Oh i can't wait, it's so nice to have the little perks.
Now more news the comeback issue is currently underway, and going strong.... if only Jiinx would remember her part-but it's cool, I can manage. Just wait and see we have some speacial things in store.

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