
Soo...... This is SLC and we just wanted you to know that we write about our opinions, every now and then we'll feature some concrete facts, but this is how we see, feel, and write.

- SLC Family

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Sunday, March 28, 2010

God Of War III [01.29.10]

Oh hell yeahs, the demo is finally out, no I’m not lying it is really out with a reservation of the game at GameStop. If you don’t preorder you ain’t getting’ it, that’s all there is to it.

It was [pardon my language] fuckin’ gorgeous, I was hyperventilating so much my gaming buddy had to take the controller away from me and play it for me [I know I’m a huge dork].

The graphics were amazing as usual, the game play even better than before, you start of in the game owning all of your previous possessions [I believe], and you immediately confront Helios and his minions as one the titans terrorizes the city for you.

The detail of blood, and muscle ripples on Kratos were just superb. I don’t even know why I’m trying the mention the demo, when the whole gaming world knows the game will bring tears to everyone’s eyes from its beauty.

All I have to say fro the game is this, I don't’ even need to do this, just wait till March 16 [2010], when it comes out and you'll see it earned the 5/5 it’s going to get on X-Play, and IGN.

If you haven’t already preordered do so now, or buy it as soon as it comes out.

[Package Art Not Final] 

*This articles pics were found off of Bing*

Some bonus news is that the creators want to keep the franchise going by creating more games in Kratos’ name. I personally don’t know if it’s a good idea but the people seems to want it. Good Luck

Remember March 16;



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